

品牌:LEA | 300565型 | 原产地:美国

学龄前儿童视觉检查终极套装包(Ultimate VIP Package,Vision in Preschoolers),由美国国家眼科研究所赞助的学龄前儿童视力(VIP)研究最初评估了第一阶段的11项视力筛查测试,包括2项远距离视力视力表——LEA SYMBOLS®和HOTV。LEA SYMBOLS®是唯一进入第二阶段的远程视力测试。第二阶段的另外三项测试测量了屈光不正并评估了立体视敏度。LEA SYMBOLS®视觉敏锐度测试,5英尺(1.5米)的单一拥挤符号测试专为VIP的第二阶段设计。终极VIP套餐包括:VIP Illuminator with Universal Power Supply、Crowded LEA SYMBOLS® pediatric symbols disk card with masking window for 3-year-olds: 1 side for each eye、Crowded LEA SYMBOLS® pediatric symbols disk card with masking window for 4- and 5-year olds: 1 side for each eye、Baseline Flip Book、LEA SYMBOLS® pediatric symbols response key (lap card)、4 LEA SYMBOLS® pediatric symbols individual training cards、PASS Test II Stereoacuity Test、Fun frame occluders for children、Cord to measure testing distance、Recording form and instructions、Carrying case、Universal power supply。

300555型学龄前儿童视觉检查完整套装包(Vision in Preschool (VIP) Complete Package),配置包括:VIP Illuminator with Universal Power Supply、Crowded LEA SYMBOLS® Disk Card with Masking Window for 3-year-olds at 20/50: 1 side for each eye、Crowded LEA SYMBOLS® Disk Card with Masking Window for 4- and 5-year olds at 20/40: 1 side for each eye、Baseline Flip Book、LEA SYMBOLS® Response Key (Lap Card)、4 LEA SYMBOLS® Individual Training Cards、Fun Frame occluders for children、Cord to measure testing distance、Recording form and instructions、Universal Power Supply。

300500型学龄前儿童视觉筛查包(Vision In Preschoolers (VIP) Screener)配置包含:LEA SYMBOLS® Crowded Symbols Disk Card with Masking Window for 3-year-olds at 20/50: 1 side for each eye、LEA SYMBOLS® Crowded Symbols Disk Card with Masking Window for 4- and 5-year olds at 20/40: 1 side for each eye、Baseline Flip Book、LEA SYMBOLS® Response Key (Lap Card)、4 LEA SYMBOLS® Individual Training Cards、Cord to measure testing distance、Recording form and instructions。


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